Monday, May 28, 2007

Cape Town

Drive along the Cape Penninsula to Cape Point and Cape Of Good Hope. Getting attacked by baboons was a highlight!

Africa Penguins@ Simons Town

Wine tours at Stellenbosch and Franshoek

Clifton Beach

Table Mountain
This weekends adventures was a trip to Cape Town. Was so much fun!!! Friday we took our "Chico" volkswagon (quite possibly the crapest car ever! but really popular here??) on a mission of the western cape penninsula. Was spectacular, lots of windy seaside roads and gorgeous beaches. Saturday we hired a driver and went on a wine and cheese tour. The fact we all slept on the way back to town was an indication of how much we enjoyed it (and the night before on Long St)!
Sunday we hit the beach for some much needed rays after some cold weather in Joburg, and then took the cable car up Table Mountain. It was a really clear day and we could see all the way to the Cape of Good Hope. Eerie being so high above a city, as it was so quiet.
Would have to rate Cape Town as the most naturally beautiful city I have been to. And a great place for a weekend away!

Tuesday, May 22, 2007


Some street shots on way to the hike in the Drakensburg

This weekend our Australian Brigade headed south east to the Drakensburg.
Stayed in a beautiful hostel surrounded by mountains and then did the Sentinal hike on Saturday. The first few pics are a few drive by shots (ie. in stealth mode so people dont get angry!) on the way to the hike.Was absolutley fantastic! We walked 14km to the Natural Ampitheatre which is a large escarpment that boasts the second highest waterfall in the world (3100m). Spectacular views! Was pretty scary though as the wind picked up and then we had to go down 2 x 15m Vertical ladders!
Sunday we came back to Joberg via Clarens, and little pictureque town surrounded by mountains, and the Golden Gate NP. Was great to get out of the city into some fresh air and some altitude!


Monday, May 14, 2007

German Beer Fest

A few pics from the weekend. Saturday we went to the German Beer Festival where we saw some local SA Bands and had some tasty beer in the sun. On Sunday, headed north about an hour to Hartebeestpoort Dam for some market shopping and scenery.

My New apartment

Just a few pics from my new apartment. Is very comfortable...have been spending some quality time in my hammock in the sun on the balcony...and its very safe...I have FOUR locks on my door!

Monday, May 7, 2007

A weekend of drumming

The company had an expat bria (aka bbq) for us this saturday. Was a great laugh as they gave
us drinks and then made a movie of us drumming and dancing for a video to encourage others to come work in Sth Africa, wearing cheesy Hatch caps. We were used, but it was fun!
On Sunday, feeling a little under the weather after the nights activities, I spent a large part of the day beating a loud drum on a dragonboat. It was the National Champs and fortunately I was with the team that won, so we went fast!
Not your average weekend, but none of them have been lately!!